Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Favorite Books

Ok, I was asked about this as a response to one of my first posts, and since it has been over a year since my last published post (3 more drafts left unfinished--a holiday project??), here is an updated-but-far-from-comprehensive list of our favourite family literature from August 2010 to November 2011.
Magic Tree House by Mary Pope Osborne
Magic School Bus by Joanna Cole
Harry Potter 1-6 (we tried number seven, but it is a little heavy for the little ones)
The Chronicles of Narnia (thanks Auntie Jaana, this has been so much fun!)
Anything to do with animals, weather or science, and since it has been a year since this list was made, I can add various comic books to the list...chip off the old geek, that one...
Berenstain Bears
Curious George
Eric Carle
He also enjoys short adaptatons of movies, you know, the classics of the theatre like Star Wars and Toy Story 3...yet another proof of the whole acorn-tree-proximity aphorism.

Annie also loves Eric Carle, and we have dug out The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood and she loves it (I actually told it to her from memory last summer because it used to be Cooper's favorite as a toddler...we were camping and it was the only thing that would calm her down at it again, daddy..and now she loves just about anything that gives her time with mommy or daddy. Out of all the favourites, nothing gets me more hugs than sitting down with all three of them and taking out "Reading with Dad" by Richard Jorgensen.
We also just happen to have the best public librarian in the children's section at our local library...she knows each of our kids and wows them with her love of and excitement over books.

Recently, we have a new development in the field. Both Cooper and Aaron have joined Speech Arts, a group that prepares and presents poetry competitively at the grade-school level.  Of course, now I have to dig out my 5-inch trophy I received as a ten-year-old for my moving oration of "When Father Carves the Duck" by E.V. Wright.  Those poor kids didn't even stand a chance...

My Word as a Dad

  • Obi-bobby-kenobi: how I wish Aaron had never figured out the correct pronunciation of the name of his favourite Jedi
  • Pocsiple: the correct pronunciation of this delicious frozen treat eludes many a toddler--this is Annie's version